Sales Department
+7 8162 765 660
+7 8162 765 665

Social Policy

Benefits and Guarantees

(in Accordance with Labour Law of RF):

  • five-day working week 
  • salary payment twice a month
  • mandated health insurance 
  • medical care in employee health service
  •  regular preventive medical examinations of employees 
  • consideration of temporary disability leaves
  • annual paid vacation
  • paid educational leave
  • supplying children of company's employees by subsidized vouchers for health improvement camps
  • regular wage-and salary indexation
  • health, safety and environment issues
  • occupational safety and ergonomics management
  • supplying all production employees by functional special high quality clothing, footwear  and pure drinking water
  • possibility for hot meals  in meal rooms, canteen and mobile lunch counters

Promoting and Supporting of Healthy Lifestyle

  • health department makes immunization, prevents and controls diseases, performs physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, dental care.
  • Sports center includes a gym hall, a boxing-gym, a fitness hall, shower rooms and a sauna and allows training teams for boxing,  physical therapy, aerobics, volleyball, tennis, mini-football, floor-ball.
  • leisure base “Silver Wood” offers comfortable cottages, Russian sauna, sport kits (balls, skis, badminton, bicycles, four-wheelers, ski-doo)
  • corporate parties for company's employees and their families.

Youth Organization “MOST”(Bridge)

  • occupational adaptation of newly engaged young professionals
  • training and professional development
  • social security of young employees
  • realization of creative personal potential
  • interaction of young people in the info-media
  • developing attitude of tolerance and social position of young employees.